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Software Testing workshop

The purpose of the testing process is to verify the authenticity of the products and their suitability requirements and specifications. Testing Workshop will provide the tools for testing system efficiency and reliability

Agile Testing

The testing process is a crucial element in the overall quality designed, among other things, ensure the quality of ICT products and systems, whether the development is performed by a third-party or by the organization

The purpose of the testing process is to verify the authenticity of the products and their suitability requirements and specifications

Target audience: Quality managers, project managers, systems analysts, programmers, and software development professionals.

Workshop duration: 8 hours.


  • Introduction – why do we test? Who tests? What do we test?
  • The relationship between testing and quality management and verification and validity activities
  • What exactly do we test: testing models such as the V model, tests using Agile methodology
  • Drill-down into the outputs of the testing phase, testing portfolio structure (testing plan), testing scenario structure, testing summary portfolio
  • Types of tests and the responsibility for their execution
  • Testing using Agile methodology
  • Testing using the traditional method (waterfall and deliverable units)
  • Testing scenario planning phase
  • Testing process execution phase: cycle management, and testing round, testing summary
  • Metrics for the testing phase
  • Support tools for manual and automated tests,
  • and more!

Additional information: Agile Testing


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