Advanced OCIO Services
The project management office (PMO) is the organization’s project manager and serves as its headquarters for planning, control, and tracking of all projects in the organization (in the IT department)
The project management office (PMO) is the organization’s project manager and serves as its headquarters for planning, control, and tracking of all projects in the organization (in the IT department). The office of the CIO function is an executive function that handles the many challenges of the IT manager in his primary tasks, including ongoing operations, development of new systems, budget management, human resource management, supplier engagement, consultants, and more.
- Methoda’s Advanced OCIO/PMO services include maintaining the stability and availability of production and operational systems,
- helping the organization focus on the requirements/projects that support its business strategy,
- improving command and control of the portfolio of requirement and projects that are central to management and the business,
- enhancing operational processes, service, and handling of recurring and systemic problems,
- achieving gains in efficiency – workforce and budget reduction,
- optimally managing existing resources,
- maintaining the professional proficiency of the team
An organization is a collection of projects.
Management and control of projects is crucial for management and control of the organization.
The MethodPMO Kit is a Methoda solution for successful realization of the PMO function in the organization and the project. The solution is based on a ‘PMO Portfolio’ and predesigned tools on one hand, and extensive implementation activities on the other. The portfolio and tools can be installed immediately on the user’s desktop and require no additional software.
- The MethodPMO Kit includes a project portfolio – a system view of all of the projects in the organization and the option to drill-down on each project separately on demand,
- an ordered work plan, with an emphasis on the “project triangle”: content, resources, and timeline to maximize the project deliverables,
- continuous feedback and reviews throughout the project,
- command and control tools, especially project status,
- consulting on a variety of infrastructure matters and development and management platforms,
- focus on regulatory and leading quality strandards, such as FDA, ISO-9000, CMMI, IQNET, and others,
- integration of Metrics and measurement,
- emphasis on alternative analysis, total cost of ownership, and cost-benefit,
- measurement of return on investment,
- risk and failures management, including opportunity management,
- optimal use of the Office tools that are already on everyone’s desktop
- active management of the MethodA system tree (or any comparable leading methodology on the market) that is tied directly to the project lifecycle,
- and customization of the aforementioned to the client’s requirements.