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Business Representative

The IT Business Relationship Manager (BRM or ITBR), is the user representative or application expert that connects clients and the IT unit

The IT Business Relationship Manager (BRM or ITBR), is the user representative or application expert that connects clients and the IT unit. The ITBR manager plays a critical role in the success of any development project or system maintenance process, and enables the organization to improve its productivity and achieve its goals.

Creating or upgrading the ITBR function in the organization is often a professional, managerial, and organizational challenge, especially when organizations face complex dynamic environments and unique operating conditions.

Methoda provides a full suite of services to advance the BRM/ITBR role in the organization, from recommending an appropriate operating model to defining the role, the responsibilities, and the ideal employee profile. Moreover, Methoda helps to define the interfaces between users and the IT unit by designing effective processes for implementing and fulfilling the ITBR role, employing management and control tools, professional workshops, etc.


We will:

  • study the current status and recommend the best model for the organization;
  • to define the roles and structure of the ITBR function, employee profile, and training requirements;
  • to define the interfaces with end users and IT users, including responsibilities, activities and approval processes;
  • and to define the ITBR role’s operating processes and joint procedures with other units.

Methoda will help you:

  • define, analyze, and prioritize the requirements;
  • prepare a project plan to implement the requirements;
  • place the ITBR manager; define his/her responsibilities; incorporate the ITBR manager in the lifecycle of the system, i.e. new system development, editions and versions, upgrades and modifications;
  • plan activities and responsibilities in lifecycle stages – initiation, organization, characterization, development, tests, installation, trial run, and operation;
  • manage and evaluate failures and system events;
  • incorporate the ITBR manager in the testing process, particularly in acceptance tests; to
  • control the progress of the project and to approve the interim results, participate in committees and surveys;
  • assess and manage risk;
  • manage information in the system – integrity, availability, and state of update;
  • manage, document, and improve business operating procedures;
  • and implement tools for executing predefined processes. As part of its development and maintenance methodology, Methoda provides a range of tools, from simple built-in tools, to third-party tools, to tools specifically designed for the organization.
  • Methoda methodically mentors ITBR managers, users and business clients in new projects;
  • and trains, teaches, and mentors employees fulfilling the function to carry out their roles successfully.

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